MOTHER 2 Videos

On this page you can find all MOTHER 2-related videos, from previews before the game’s release, commercials, reviews, and even the most recent Virtual Console trailers!

MOTHER 2 GTV Super Famicom Perfect Video Preview

Seen here is the earliest known footage of MOTHER 2, dating all the way back from 1992. This particular preview comes from a Japanese Laserdisc digitized by video game preservationist OkeijiDragon, in which he describes the video: “In this interview, creator Shigesato Itoi and GTV editor-in-chief Koji Watanabe demonstrate a video of an early pre-release build as they discuss the then-upcoming game for Super Famicom. By this point in time (this interview took place likely sometime in before December 1992), the game was already going through an abnormally long development that would end up taking five years to release the game (six if you count the US release). Being that LDs were an expensive luxury to own in the early-1990s, especially in Japan, it’s sort of interesting that the producers of this catalog video went the extra mile to get something like this released on LD. I guess video games were really serious business in Japan.” You can check out a fully subtitled version on his YouTube channel!

MOTHER 2 Commercial

The original MOTHER 2 commercial, featuring an infectious jingle. Kimura Takuya, member of the Boy Band SMAP and a young boy named Hiroshi star in this classic commercial. Hiroshi asks, “What is going on, brother?”, to which Kimura responds, “No idea”. Hiroshi then asks, “What should we do, brother?”, and Kimura says back to him, “Sing along too”. The commercial ends with the game’s slogan, “Adults, children, and even young women!”

MOTHER 2 Commercial 2

The second commercial for MOTHER 2. Kimura pulls out his copy of MOTHER 2, asking, “Hiroshi, do you know what this is?” Surprised, Hiroshi responds, “Oh, it’s MOTHER 2! Why do you have that?”, with Kimura then stating, “I’m gonna play it when I get home”. Arguments begin to rise as Hiroshi keeps demanding, “Lemme see it!”, as Kimura repeatedly says no to him. Hiroshi climbs up on to the table, spilling the plates all over the floor! The waiter then begins to clean the mess as Kimura apologizes in embarrassment, with the narrator saying the game’s tagline.

MOTHER 2 Commercial 3

The third commercial for MOTHER 2. One businessman asks another, “Do you know that cave in Dusty Dunes Desert where the monkeys live?”, to which the other businessman responds, “Yes, yes”. Kimura overhears, telling Hiroshi, “Those guys are talking about MOTHER 2!”; Hiroshi then exclaims, “Bro, bro! The three people behind us also know about MOTHER 2!”. Behind them, a woman sighs; “I’m having such a hard time against Belch…”. Kimura listens cautiously, “Over there too?!” as Hiroshi leans in, saying, “Brother…!”. Kimura leans towards him in response, telling Hiroshi, “Looks like we’re surrounded.” The commercial once again ends with the game’s tagline.

EarthBound Retail Video

This commercial for EarthBound was a video sent to retailers such as Babbage’s and Electronics Boutique leading up to and around the game’s release. It would play on the television in many of those retailer’s locations, and to this day this commercial in particular lives in infamy for its goofy narration.

EarthBound Nintendo Power Laserdisc Video

Recovered in March 2020 by YouTube user “menocu87”, this EarthBound commercial comes from Nintendo Power Previews Laserdisc, Volume 12. Unlike the infamous retail video, this commercial is more elaborate on the contents of the game, even promoting the free player’s guide that would be bundled with it!

“Gaming in the Clinton Years” EarthBound Review

George Wood reviewed EarthBound on his Maryland Public Access show, “Gaming in the Clinton Years”. Unlike many of the reviews at the time, Wood was mostly positive on the game despite its easy difficulty. He praises the humor, writing, and even calls the graphics artistically impressive.

“Gaming in the Clinton Years” EarthBound Ending Guide

Once again, George Wood takes a look at EarthBound on his public access show “Gaming in the Clinton Years”. However, he is not quite as positive as last time, calling the game “slow and sometimes annoying” to get through. To spare players the trouble, he does a complete overview of the final battle and ending of the game.

EarthBound Wii U Virtual Console Announcement

After many years of waiting and speculation, Satoru Iwata finally announced that EarthBound would be released on the Wii U Virtual Console in this announcement video. This was during the April 17th, 2013 Nintendo Direct, following MOTHER 2’s re-release in Japan only a month prior. Iwata states the decision was made to bring the game to the Virtual Console due to the passionate wishes from fans, displaying images from MOTHER 2’s Miiverse board.

EarthBound Wii U Virtual Console Trailer

This was the launch trailer for EarthBound on the Wii U Virtual Console, which silently released on the Nintendo eShop on July 18th, 2013. It introduces the main characters of the game while showing off many locales and abilities, more accurately representing the game when compared to Nintendo of America’s original advertisements back in 1995. The later Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console release of EarthBound in 2016 uses the same trailer as seen here.

MOTHER 2 3DS Virtual Console Trailer

In March 2016, MOTHER 2 launched on the New Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console in Japan. Seen here is the trailer for the re-release, which is far more straightforward when compared to the North American Virtual Console advertisements.

Page Contributors

Echoes – Writer

Green-Brown and menocu87 – Provided Videos

OkeijiDragon – MOTHER 2 Laserdisc Rip

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