EarthBound Easy Patch

The EarthBound Easy Patch makes the original EarthBound Zero/MOTHER on the Famicom/NES easier to play. Fundamentally, the patch doubles the EXP and money you acquire from enemy encounters. The patch was created by Clyde “Tomato” Mandelin.

According to Clyde, the patch hasn’t received any bug reports and it made the game pretty much a “breeze”. Some users reported to him that the patch made the game too easy. If you’re one of these individuals who struggled with the original MOTHER and wanted to play through the game without constantly grinding for levels, then this is exactly what you need!

You may download the patch here.

All credits go to Clyde Mandelin for this patch.

How do I Apply the Patch?

You will need to find a copy of EarthBound Beginnings or EarthBound Zero. Unfortunately, we cannot provide this for you. You may search a tutorial on how to homebrew your WiiU to dump EarthBound Beginnings legally for your own personal usage or search for an EarthBound Zero ROM somewhere else.

Once you find your ROM, you will need an emulator to play said ROM. The emulators we recommend are down below:

You can download these!

Some emulators out there have an “automatic” patch feature, so be sure to look up the emulator’s documentation so you get the know-how. If you happen to have to hard-patch it yourself, you can download Lunar IPS to patch your ROM down below:

According to Clyde, you can theoretically use any EarthBound Zero/EarthBound Beginnings ROM. However, our suggestion is to always find a clean ROM to patch.

Once you patch the ROM, you should see the word “EASY” below the game title.

Page Information & Contacts

Writers & Editors

Orange – Manages and published this page. Constructed the information and laid this out rather nicely. – Had some information about the patch initially; there was even a tutorial there too, which helped a lot on making this page.

EarthBound Central – Clyde has originally provided and created the patch, so it felt right to provide a link to his site as well.

Echoes – Manages this page as of 2022.

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