About the Mother Forever Team

Mother Forever is dedicated to forever keeping information about MOTHER / EarthBound and its community accessible! POTENTIAL!



Kody oversees Mother Forever as its webmaster. They were one of the three original co-founders of Mother Forever. Using the foundations from the previous versions, they programmed/designed the current version of the website (version 3) and helped design Mother International. They solely directed, edited, and hosted Mother Direct starting in 2021. They make games like the RPG GNOMONIC with their game development studio NOKOGODO! To contact Kody for any inquiries over email about Mother Forever, you can reach them at: kody(at)mother4ever.net

Kody originally got involved with the MOTHER series at nine years old in 2008, the year Super Smash Bros. Brawl released. Lucas and his role in the Subspace Emissary peaked Kody’s curiosity in the series after already regularly playing as Ness and enjoying Onett in Melee. After that, they were determined to figure out how to play the MOTHER 3 fan translation and they managed to play that as their first game in the series, which quickly spurred their interest in video game writing and translations.

Kody’s enthusiasm for translation stems from their love of storytelling, especially in games. They love learning about and playing niche, forgotten, or leftover translations and localizations. They’ve even been commissioned to translate Japanese-to-English and English-to-Japanese for game studios and publications! Without this kind of passion for stories forgotten by mainstream translators, they believe that games like MOTHER 3 would have never been translated and would have never inspired many other games they love today. Besides the MOTHER series, they also love RPGs and platformers, especially indie games and mods.

Retired Administrators


Echoes was one of Mother Forever’s three co-founders! They’re a lifelong fan of the series, ever since discovering it at eight years old. They first found out about MOTHER from Super Smash Bros. on the Nintendo 64, and from there found their way to Starmen.net! They took an instant interest to the then-unreleased MOTHER 3, and began finding every shred of info they could on the game. This is what led them to help found the site and work as its lead writer.

Outside of Mother Forever, Echoes was associated with the Super Mario Bros. The Movie Archive where they contributed through the release of cut footage. In May 2019, Echoes found a rough cut VHS tape belonging to the film’s producer Roland Joffé, immediately contacting the SMB Movie Archive about the discovery. Together with Garrett Gilchrist they released a semi-official extended cut of the film! On the side, they also helped with archival research for the documentary EarthBound USA alongside working with other YouTube creators on MOTHER videos!


Admiring the passion of the MOTHER series’ fans, Sphinx became interested and wanted to see what all the commotion was about. After playing through each game, he finally had a pretty good idea of why!

When he was working as our editor, Sphinx had a natural inclination towards studying the English language and all of its trappings. He was very particular about syntax, grammar, punctuation, spelling… oh, there’s just so much. He made sure the site was set up to be a professional read every time!

Retired Moderators


Lone was in charge of the moderation aspect of Mother Forever. He was also a full-time Localization Specialist at a game company, and also did some freelance translation work on the side. He translated to and from English and Japanese. You may have played one of the games he was involved in translating.

Lone first played the MOTHER games in 2012 and has dabbled in and out of the community ever since. After over 10 years, he’s still willing to help wherever he can.


Retro64 (also known as just “Retro”) was a Mother Forever moderator. He has been a fan of the MOTHER series for a long time, and his favorite game in the series is MOTHER 2. He was an artist and a 3D modeler who was best known for making content for Smash Remix. He was also an artist on Mother Squared.

Besides the MOTHER series, he also enjoyed the Donkey Kong Country and Kirby series and listened to those games’ amazing OSTs.


Arnold! was around with Mother Forever practically since it was founded as a moderator. Early on, he contributed by documenting screenshots and other artwork for the games.

Arnold was introduced to the MOTHER series in 2016. He wanted to play the series ever since Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out, and UNDERTALE finally convinced him to play the series!

Arnold’s other interests included early 2000s aesthetics, the Like a Dragon series, DOOM, and RPG Maker games like LISA: The Painful, Ib, and Yume Nikki. These have all inspired him to play around with RPG Maker, Unity and Gamemaker in hopes of one day creating his own game!


Falcon helped a lot around the MOTHER community, from MOTHER Encore to Mother Forever!

Falcon was a very passionate artist who took heavy inspiration from MOTHER and from MOTHER 3‘s Nintendo 64 art director, Benimaru Itoh. Falcon was also a huge fan of the Star Fox series, which Itoh once drew a comic for! Falcon lended his artistic talent to many projects, such as the MOTHER 3: Fall of the Pig King ROM hack.

Falcon was often be found moderating for both MOTHER Encore and Mother Forever! He’s very knowledgeable about the series and always happy to share his interest with people.

Special Thanks

  • Logo and Branding Designs – Nirbion
  • Ninten, Ness, Lucas Icons – With a Hint of Lemon
  • Staff Sprite Art – Benichi and Sam the Salmon
  • 404 Page – Snakeshroom
  • Website Programming (Versions 1 & 2) – Shen