MOTHER 3 N64 Images

On this page you can find all related MOTHER 3 N64 images from magazines, events, and broadcasts.

For a full download of every documented MOTHER 3 N64 scan that includes many images in their highest quality, download the package below. The images on this page may be lower quality to optimize page load times. You can also visit our page about this scan package for more information about it.
This is the most recent package as of 2/2023.


The first batch of images and videos ever released for the game. All images are from the Spaceworld 1996 premiere of the game.


This year began with five more images of the early build released through Weekly Famitsu in January, but come Spaceworld in November, the game underwent a visual overhaul! That’s where most of these images come from.


These were the last images of the game released during its slated 64DD release. All of these come from Dengeki Nintendo 64‘s “MOTHER 3 Times” feature. No new video footage was shown this year.


Without a doubt, the game’s biggest year yet, as the game officially is announced to be released as a cartridge instead of the 64DD. A majority of these images come from the game’s Spaceworld 1999 trailer and demo, with several others that were featured in Dengeki Nintendo 64.


These last batch of screenshots were gathered by Itoi and his staff, published on on the day of cancellation, August 22nd, 2000.

Translated Screenshots

Below are all the screenshots with text translated into English! These translations were provided by Clyde “Mato” Mandelin over the years and anything left was translated by Lone. Edits were made by Snowwood.

Spaceworld Demo Photos

Photos and videos were forbidden at Spaceworld 1999, but some were able to slip onto the internet anyways. The following photos are from various sources, including a Japanese blogger by the handle “EXCELSIOR!” Check each the image’s caption to identify its source if it has one.

Page Contributors

Kody NOKOLO, PineappleCarl, The Video Game History Foundation, and Hard4Games – Provided Images

Sam The Salmon – Removed Watermarks

Snowwood – Restored Images

Clyde “Tomato” Mandelin – Preserved EXCELSIOR! Spaceworld photos with translations

Echoes – Writer 2020-2022

Kody NOKOLO – Writer & Editor

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