Mother Direct
by: Kody on 6/13/2021
What is Mother Direct?

A Mother Direct was an annual presentation hosted by NOKOGODO and Mother Forever from 2021-2024 that included all kinds of projects related to or inspired by the MOTHER series! A Direct features both fan-related projects based directly off of MOTHER (like videos, ROM hacks, or translations) and Motherlike indie games with their own new worlds, characters, and more separate from the MOTHER series, but with that MOTHER kind of feeling. The original series of Mother Directs became RPG Direct in 2025 to continue sharing even more indie games with potential!
Mother Directs are a fan project – they’re anyone’s to make! You can find a download for all of the assets used for the later Mother Directs, 2023 and 2024, below. Use them to share the potential of MOTHER fans!
If you decide to use these assets for your own projects, please credit Daniel Alba for creating all of the assets and Kody NOKOLO for the logo design and animation concept.