Core Magazine – Hands On: MOTHER 3

A photo Core Magazine took of the MOTHER 64 demo. They admitted they broke the rules sneaking one, as photos weren’t allowed!

Shigesato Itoi’s long awaited RPG has made a huge splash at Spaceworld. The graphics are extremely impressive, and the controls are fairly solid at this point. While the version on the show floor is still early, the characters and their dialogue are well done. The storyline thus far is very lighthearted and comical.

I’d have to say this game was probably my favorite at the entire show. Between the gorgeous graphics, smooth scrolling and control, it was outstanding. Unfortunately while I could only play the game for a few minutes, it was clear that Shigesato Itoi is trying to take the game to an unprecedented level. I was actually surprised at the music as well, which was very well done. The Mother 3 displays were actually the only ones that had headphones, so you could really get a feel for the game. The storyline seemed witty and intelligent, and likely to keep players intrigued.

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Source to original article (2/2)