MOTHER 3 N64 Interviews
by: Kody on 8/30/2020
Find interviews about MOTHER 3 during its life on the Nintendo 64 from Shigesato Itoi, Shogo Sakai, Akihiko Miura, Benimaru Itoh, Shigeru Miyamoto, and Satoru Iwata.
Dengeki Nintendo 64 – July 1996
64 Dream – November 1996
As reported by Lindsay “Chewy” Moore: “This is the first ever official issue of The 64DREAM (currently “Nindori”), but Volume #2 after an initial unofficial release in June. It treats us with a treasure trove of juicy insights into the creation of Earthbound 64. Itoi’s team had an impressive amount of the game finished even by 1996, which really accentuates the troubles they went through and how looong it had dragged on. (The editors from this interview got the impression it would be on sale by summer 1997.) It’s amazing to think about how the project was scrapped even after taking years and years of their time!”
Game Catalogue II Itoi Interview – January 1997
Shigesato Itoi’s interview on an episode of Game Catalogue II about Spaceworld 1996.
Weekly Famitsu – January 31, 1997
As reported by Lindsay “Chewy” Moore: “This is a dialogue showcased in a section featured once every few months in Weekly Famitsu. One of the editors, Yasuhiro Nagata, conducted several interviews with Itoi during his time with the magazine. Nagata later went into freelancing for a few years before eventually working for Itoi’s company, where he is now. This dialogue is different from other interviews in that it has a very casual tone to it and is less focused on the nitty gritty. It feels more like you’re eavesdropping on three Japanese men at the bar who just happen to be talking about Nintendo 64 games. The bolding of the text is preserved from that in the magazine article.”
Dengeki Nintendo 64 – February 1997

Itoi talks about the video at Spaceworld, how “ear” is going to be important to the game in terms of its sounds and music, who the protagonist character in the forest is, the move from 2D to 3D, and using the 64DD. He particularly emphasizes the importance of conveying the anxiety in battles, like with the scrolling HP display in MOTHER 2.
Dengeki Nintendo 64 – March 1997

In this interview, Iwata is asked about what’s going on in different images of MOTHER 3. The information he gives in this interview is the same information Nintendo Power reports in its EarthBound 64 article also published in March 1997 (credit to The Magazine Rack for that article). When asked about the enemies, Iwata does give one clue that Nintendo Power leaves out: that the boss of them all might involve the character Porky.
64 Dream – April 1997
Itoi reportedly talks about what inspired MOTHER 3 in this issue of the 64 Dream, including his views on the RPG genre as traveling and meeting new people like in a “road movie.” He also mentions Tazmily wasn’t supposed to be a “first town,” it was supposed to be a field to explore like a “Grand Hotel.”
Weekly Famitsu – June 27, 1997
Dengeki Nintendo 64 – July 1997

In an interview very similar to the one Iwata had with Dengeki in 1996, he talks about aspects of MOTHER 3 that make it different from MOTHER 2, MOTHER 3’s scenario, and even the game’s chimeras. For the second half about the Nintendo 64 DD, he mostly talks about the specs of the hardware, like the extra 4M expansion, and its higher rendering power for game worlds. He also emphasizes how multiplayer games like Kirby Air Ride will work better on it and mentions the Cabbage project at the end.
E3 1997 with Nintendo – Benimaru Itoh Interview 1997
Nintendo.com – Benimaru Itoh Interview 1997
Dengeki Nintendo 64 – September 1997
Dengeki Nintendo 64 – December 1997
64 Dream – December 1997
As reported by Lindsay “Chewy” Moore: “This issue celebrates the magazine’s one year anniversary with a discussion between two of the video game powerhouses at the time: Shigesato Itoi and Shigeru Miyamoto. They discuss their professional relationship, the unpopular Japanese TV advertisements for the Nintendo 64, the 64DD (two years before its release), and lots and lots of random personal questions!”
Dengeki Nintendo 64 – Satoru Iwata Interview
Dengeki Nintendo 64 – January 21, 1998
Famimaga 64 – February 1998
Dengeki Nintendo 64 – February 1998
Game Geniuses – 1998
64 Dream – November 1999
Miyamoto Speaks about Donkey Kong and MOTHER 3 – November 19, 1999
64 Dream – March 2000
MOTHER 3: To Everyone Who Waited
Animal Crossing Discussion – April 2009
Toshinao Aoki Interview – January 20, 2011