MOTHER 3 Videos
by: Kody on 7/27/2021
On this page, you can find all related MOTHER 3 videos from events and broadcasts, including from when the game was being developed for the Nintendo 64.
N64 1996
Spaceworld 1996 Promotional Footage
Footage of EarthBound 64 that was found on many promotional tapes from Spaceworld 1996.
Game Catalogue II Spaceworld 1996 Footage
A December 28th, 1996 episode of Game Catalogue II displayed a few clips of EarthBound 64 from Spaceworld 1996. Recovered by kunkun kun and discovered by OkeijiDragon.
Satellaview Broadcast
A Satellaview broadcast of Spaceworld 1996 on January 26th 1997 which features EarthBound 64.
N64 1997
Spaceworld 1997 Footage
A Spaceworld 1997 sizzle reel recovered by Zen64.
Game King 1997 Coverage
An episode of the Japanese game show “Game King” that covered EarthBound 64 on December 29th, 1997. It’s noted as a 64DD release at this time.
N64 1999
Spaceworld 1999 Trailer
The EarthBound 64 trailer that played at Spaceworld 1999 (color corrected by Park).
Spaceworld 1999 Trailer English Translation
A translation of the EarthBound 64 trailer: Written by Echoes, graphical assets recreated by Samthesalmon, edited by Snowwood, and restored music by Irikachana.
Spaceworld 1999 Demo Area Recording
A recording from Spaceworld 1999 by Hayao Kakizaki.
Nintendomania Spaceworld 1999 Sizzle Reel
Mexican TV show Nintendomania’s coverage of EarthBound 64 at Spaceworld 1999.
Nintendomania Spaceworld 1999 Trailer
Nintendomania’s full broadcast of the trailer, which had part of the end cut off in this upload by IGN
MOTHER 3 Promo Video
A promotional video for MOTHER 3 that was shown off before its release.
MOTHER 3 Hobonichi Video
A video featuring MOTHER 3 around the time of its release from Hobonichi’s website.
MOTHER 3 Discussion 4/19/2006 with Shigesato Itoi, Hosted by Hikaru Ijuin – Mother Forever
On the eve of MOTHER 3’s release, a 2 hour live chat was hosted by Hikaru Ijuin.
Itoi Deconfirms MOTHER 4 at the MOTHER 3 Launch Stream
A clip from the above interview where Itoi deconfirms a MOTHER 4.
MOTHER 3 Commercial #1
Japanese actress Kou Shibasaki how emotional MOTHER 3 is when you play it.
MOTHER 3 Commercial #2
Kou Shibasaki talks about the antagonists in MOTHER 3.
MOTHER 3 Commercial #3
Kou Shibasaki talks about how MOTHER 3 brought her to tears.
MOTHER 3 Commercial #4
Kou Shibasaki talks about the variety of characters in MOTHER 3.
MOTHER 3 Commercial #5
Kou Shibasaki talks about MOTHER 3’s character development, especially Kumatora’s.
Shigesato Itoi at the MOTHER 3i Event
A MOTHER 3i event was held on February 19th, 2007. Itoi promised to record this video for it since he wouldn’t be there. Originally transcribed by MOTHER Party and translated by Tomato.
Reggie Is Asked About MOTHER 3
Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime is asked about the chances of a MOTHER 3 localization.
Hobonichi’s MOTHER 3 on Nintendo Switch Online Interview – February 22, 2024
DaEgg123, kunkun kun, OkeijiDragon, LuigiBlood, GabiShy, Zen, Hayao Kakizaki, and Starmen.net – Provided Videos
Sam The Salmon – Removed Watermarks
Snowwood – Spaceworld 1999 Trailer Restoration & Editing, Restored Images, Edited Translated Images
Irikachana – Restored Spaceworld 1999 Trailer Music
Lone – Translator
Tomato – Translator
Kody NOKOLO – Writer
Find any errors or want to contribute? Email contact(at)mother4ever.net!