MOTHER 2 Videos
by: Kody on 3/13/2020
Find every video related to MOTHER 2 here, like commercials, reviews, and trailers for its rereleases.
MOTHER 2 1992 Prototype GTV Super Famicom Perfect
OKeijiDragon reports that: “This interview, creator Shigesato Itoi and GTV editor-in-chief Koji Watanabe demonstrate a video of an early pre-release build as they discuss the then-upcoming game for Super Famicom. By this point in time (this interview took place likely sometime in before December 1992), the game was already going through an abnormally long development that would end up taking five years to release the game (six if you count the US release).
Being that LDs were an expensive luxury to own in the early-1990s, especially in Japan, its sort of interesting that the producers of this catalog video went the extra mile to get something like this released on LD. I guess video games were really serious business in Japan.”
MOTHER 2 Commercial
The first MOTHER 2 commercial starring Kimura Takuya of SMAP.
MOTHER 2 Commercial 2
The second MOTHER 2 commercial.
MOTHER 2 Commercial 3
The third MOTHER 2 commercial.
EarthBound Retail Video
A commercial for EarthBound sent to stores like Babbage’s and Electronics Boutique around the game’s release.
EarthBound Nintendo Power Laserdisc Video
Recovered in March 2020 by YouTube user “menocu87” from Nintendo Power Previews Laserdisc, Volume 12.
“Gaming in the Clinton Years” EarthBound Review
“Gaming in the Clinton Years” covers EarthBound.
“Gaming in the Clinton Years” EarthBound Ending Guide
“Gaming in the Clinton Years” provides a guide to EarthBound.
EarthBound Wii U Virtual Console Announcement
Satoru Iwata announces EarthBound on the Wii U Virtual Console.
EarthBound Wii U Virtual Console Trailer
The EarthBound rerelease trailer for the Wii U Virtual Console outside of Japan, which debuted on July 18th, 2013. The New 3DS rerelease of EarthBound also used the same trailer.
MOTHER 2 3DS Virtual Console Trailer
MOTHER 2 launched on the New 3DS Virtual Console in Japan with this trailer.
MOTHER 2 3DS Virtual Console Trailer
MOTHER 2 was rereleased on the New 3DS Virtual Console in Japan with this trailer.
EarthBound and EarthBound Beginnings on Nintendo Switch Online Trailer
EarthBound and EarthBound Beginnings rereleased on Nintendo Switch Online with this trailer in 2022.
Game Genome – MOTHER 2 30th Anniversary
Broadcasted in March 2024, this interview by NHK’s Game Genome with Shigesato Itoi explores different aspects of MOTHER 2 in celebration of the game’s 30th anniversary.
Green-Brown, menocu87, OkeijiDragon, Kody NOKOLO – Provided Videos
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