Toby Fox’s First Pollyanna Comic
by: Kody on 11/15/2021
Hobonichi recently released two MOTHER series comic books called Pollyanna and Pollyanna 2. I plan to translate many of the comics featured in these books and post them to our Pollyanna Comic Books page, so stay tuned for more translations in the future!!
This is a translation of Toby Fox’s comic featured on page 122 of the first Pollyanna. This is meant to be a companion to the book, so get yours out (or get one from the Hobonichi website, they ship worldwide) and follow along!
This comic’s translation is by Kody NOKOLO. Please credit Mother Forever and Kody NOKOLO if you report or repost this translation.
“What’s MOTHER ” by Toby Fox
1 Let’s talk a little bit about MOTHER.
2 When I think about what means a lot to me,
that word “means” makes things difficult.
3 In the case of the MOTHER series…
4 I was impacted by these games so much
that 10 pages wouldn’t be enough to talk about what they mean to me.
Even a 1000-page book wouldn’t be enough to fit everything I have to say about them.
5 But, I’ll try my best to.
6 I guess, when it comes to the MOTHER series, I’d say “they’re games.”
7 “Mint” is the best window color…
8 A smile is more important than experience points…
9 And even more powerful than weapons or armor
is the power of friendship.
10 It’s “No crying until the end”
11 Accidentally crying in the middle was fine.
12 Some of the music is like a concert…
13 and like abstract art.
14 Although, what’s really important,
even more than what MOTHER is…
15 it’s when I play MOTHER and get that kind of feeling.
16 During the weird parts,
(Note: Ness’s favorite food in the picture for this part translates to “crap.”)
17 And through each of the pretty standard scenes.
(Another note: the picture for this part is of the tiny black sesame in Dusty Dunes Desert. The word “koma” which means “scene” is very close to the word “goma” for sesame.)
18 After I played through MOTHER 2…
19 I made friends with other MOTHER fans.
Those friends and I have supported each other over the years since then.
20 Even now, through that game called MOTHER, I’m able to make new friends…
21 and I’ve been able to connect with people I never would have expected.
22 That’s really MOTHER, isn’t that great?
23 Maybe I’ll make a game too.
24 It’s all worth it as long as there’s even one person I’ll influence the same way MOTHER influenced me.
25 Still, my games don’t have mint colored windows…
26 Not yet at least, but there’s no guarantee on that.
27 Recently, at a game store, I got a used copy of MOTHER 2.
28 The favorite food from the previous owner’s save file was…
29 “Yakitori Meshi”
(One more note: this is basically a grilled chicken and rice meal.)
30 “Yakitori Meshi,” huh. I wanna have some.
31 Wait… right now…
32 MOTHER is what means a lot to me, I feel like I knew that.