Thanks for reading!

After five years of regular updates, whether they were through articles or videos, I just announced that we’ll be winding down Mother Forever’s updates during Mother Direct 2024. Watch the part where I explain that for more information on it!

I’ll still be making similar indie RPG content to what we had before on our Twitter and YouTube, but since I’ll be centering our content on indie RPGs now, not MOTHER, I changed these account names to my indie game studio NOKOGODO.

My company has paid for and owned this website ever since I saved it from deletion by restoring it all to the domain “” before it was almost deleted from its old “” domain in spring of 2021. I’m glad I saved it, otherwise many of the helpful tools and posts on this site would have been lost or never made at all. All that’s to say: without NOKOGODO, this site probably wouldn’t exist at all today, it might’ve been long gone after all that. And, even before that, it’s thanks to making my game, GNOMONIC, that I was able to find any of the original MOTHER 3 Times scans in college, which got me involved with co-founding this site at all.

Even after 2021, I paid for this website to stay up out of my own pocket, including the money I made from the one game we’ve launched as NOKOGODO. I even paid for all of its new logos and created its new thumbnails myself after spring 2021. It only made sense to me that I would shift our social media accounts to my indie studio considering the accounts will be centered on indies instead of MOTHER and considering my studio has owned the site.

Any content on the YouTube and Twitter accounts was all published by me since it’s just been me posting things on them after spring 2021. Anything that wasn’t published/written/video edited by me on those accounts has been removed/unlisted for a long time now (or, in YouTube’s case, moved to the Mother Forever Archive channel). That’s another reason why these accounts changed to NOKOGODO – they’re my content.

It’s not like this site is changing though. If you’re not interested in indie RPGs on our Twitter or YouTube accounts, feel free to move on to other places! Nobody’s forcing anyone to stay there just because they subscribed or followed once. But since both of these accounts are all my own written/edited posts and videos, I’d rather take all of that with me than create new accounts and leave those dormant for no reason, especially since my company has paid for and continues to pay for all of the content to exist at all here and on those accounts anyways. I never expected to earn much to help support the costs of this site, but in the end it was only ever myself (and our two amazing patrons on Patreon, thanks so much) who contributed monetarily for this site to stay up. This website will still be available as a resource for anyone to use in the future regardless of what stuff I decide to make next though. I’ll always try my best to keep it available (as long as I can afford it)! It was all worth it to keep every contribution from fans around the world available.

Thank you to all the contributors we’ve had over the years and thanks for the help from all corners of the MOTHER community on this site! I hope you’ll look forward to what indie developers and the MOTHER community make next! POTENTIAL!