
Aaron Cargile Interview

A conversation with Aaron Cargile: EarthBound, USA’s Archival Producer. Interview conducted by Thane Gaming, transcribed & reworked for Mother Forever. They talk copyright & fair use (in YouTube and in film), Fangamer, and the EarthBound fandom! Aaron Cargile’s opinions are his own, and not necessarily representative of Fangamer.


Oates Interview

In February 2023, one of the Motherlike game developers that showcased their project in the Mother Direct, Oates, released their new game, Sorry, We’re Open.

After getting hooked on the game and eventually completing it, I asked Oates a few questions about their experiences with MOTHER and the making of Sorry, We’re Open.


Talkin’ Zines with AYBT – An Interview!

One of the most celebrated type of community projects in the MOTHER fandom has always been fanzines. If you aren’t familiar with what they are, a fanzine is a fan produced magazine featuring art and written work from a variety of artists over a shared cultural interest. Over the last two decades, there have been several for the MOTHER series, from the EarthBound Anthology to PK Zine. Most recently, a new one called “Your Name, Please!” was announced — the first one in nearly a whole decade!

We wanted to take a closer look at how Your Name, Please! came to be, so we decided to bring the project’s leader, AYBT (previously helmed “YuGi-Oh!” fanzines “Sideline Stars” and “A Tie that Binds.”) Please check out their work, and enjoy the interview!


Jammin’ with Irikachana – An Interview!

Artists depiction by Site Artist, Snakeshroom!

Ever since MOTHER 3 released on the Game Boy Advance in 2006, fans have sought ways to lessen the soundtrack’s heavy audio compression. The earliest attempts at restoring the music date all the way back to 2012, with a user named Tanks providing basic MIDI conversions that were used in many YouTube uploads at the time. Most recently, we at Mother Forever uploaded our own rip of the soundtrack; but what the fans often seek are those lossless, studio quality versions only heard behind closed doors.

Enter Irikachana – an aspiring composer and friend to many in the MOTHER community. They’re attached to several MOTHER-related projects you might know, such as EB Recast and the most recent MOTHER 4 fan project. Over the past couple of years, they have took it upon themselves to completely reconstruct the music of MOTHER 3 as it originally sounded. You can hear one of their most recent restorations below!


Curiomatic Interview: Behind the “MOTHER 3 Tribute”

If you’re a MOTHER fan, there’s no doubt you’ve seen the Curiomatic team’s gorgeous MOTHER 3 Tribute trailer, which has taken the internet by storm the last couple of weeks. It’s an absolute love letter not only to the game itself, but the series as a whole – made by fans with the same love and passion Itoi and his team had, as if they were revisiting MOTHER all over again!

It’s one of those truly special treats crafted by the community that only comes around a few times each decade (Pollyana music video, anyone?) You can find the original video and their website right here, if you haven’t seen it yet! However, we wanted to dig deeper into the behind the scenes, and find out exactly what inspirations were behind such a monumental project. We were able to get into contact with Curiomatic’s founder, Omni Jacala (otherwise known as “Artsy Omni.”) So, grab a couple of Big City Burgers, and learn about the making of the MOTHER 3 Tribute in the interview below.


Otherhand Interview

Mother: Cognitive Dissonance, the legendary MOTHER fan game, released in 2009 and has had a following within the MOTHER community ever since. It was directed by “Handish2000,” otherwise known as “Otherhand!” We reached out to Otherhand to find out more about his experiences with the MOTHER series, with the MOTHER community, and with the development of Mother: Cognitive Dissonance (CogDis for short)!