MOTHER 3 N64 Images
by: Kody on 5/21/2023
On this page you can find all related MOTHER 3 N64 images from magazines, events, and broadcasts.
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The first batch of images and videos ever released for the game. All images are from the Spaceworld 1996 premiere of the game.

Duster visits Club Titiboo.

From left to right: O.J., Baccio, Magic and Shimmy Zmizz.

A Ness-lookalike ventures through a tropical forest.

Lucas stands on a lily pad in the tropical jungle near Tazmily.

The Pigmask Army’s outpost in the desert. The Lieutenants lead the way forward in their Pork Beans.

The towering Supreme Tank Z machines block the player’s path.

The crossroads north of Tazmily Village. Lucas and the Ness-lookalike enter from the southern path, with a quarry known as “Great Rock” standing north of them. Osohe Castle lies on the Eastern path.

Five more images of the game were released in Weekly Famitsu during January, but by Spaceworld 1997 (where most of these images are from), the game looked much different.

Lucas and Duster approach the pipeline as Salsa trails behind.

The Pigmask Army cheer. At the center is the Lieutenant.

“Honlélé Resort, the City of Lights”.

Lucas walks through Unlost Cave.

Flint is accompanied by Lucas.

Lucas and Flint continue exploring the Sunshine Forest.

The title screen for the 1997 iteration of “MOTHER 3: Forest of Chimera.”

Claymen enslaved to serve the Pigmask Army.

A Pigmask confronts a Claymen.

D.C.M.C. are performing live at Club Titiboo.

D.C.M.C playing their latest hit, “Bon Voyage, Amigo.” From left to right: Shimmy Zmizz, Baccio Trumpman, Magic Zildjian, Tamekichi and O.J. Hagii.

Flint battles against a Pigmask and Capybara.

Flint scrolls through the Magic menu. Listed abilities are Sleep, Wind, Absorb, Tornado, Thunder, and Feint.

The Pigmask tags out & in goes the Capybara. “Flint sent down down a bolt of thunder!”

A Drago imposter tags into the battle!

Flint near the river flowing through west Tazmily.

Flint walking through Tazmily.

Isaac says, “Your own life has become more important now.” To the left of Flint, Nichol and Richie are seen hanging around.

A Kraken holding Fuel in its mouth emerges in Great Scale Village.

Lucas rides the Drago around in the mountains.

Lucas rides in a Pork Bean.

Lucas is surrounded by Yadogarins and Boogills.

Flint enters the Yado Inn in search of a new weapon from the shop on the second floor.
These were the last images of the game released during its slated 64DD release. All of these come from Dengeki Nintendo 64‘s “MOTHER 3 Times” feature. No new video footage was shown this year.

The Carefree Guy browses inside the Tazmily general store.

The face of this character belongs to an actual person named Hiroki.

Hiroki, seen gazing directly into the security cam at Thomas’ General Store.

Lucas and Claus photographed for Dengeki Nintendo 64.

The sun sets on Great Scale Village. By the shoreline we see Lighter and Fuel’s boat, which went missing five kilometers away from the village.

A sinister-looking creature resembling a Drago.

Mayor Pirkle and his family gather around their home to celebrate his successful election.

Some mysterious waste lands on-shore at Great Scale Village. Boney, Lighter, and many others investigate.

The winner of the Annual Tazmily Top Breeder contest.

The fortune teller, Ionia, showcases their PSI powers.

The Sunshine Forest’s large acorns, which are used as currency.

Nichol and her family wearing pig noses.

Without a doubt, the game’s biggest year yet, as the game officially is announced to be released as a cartridge instead of the 64DD. A majority of these images come from the game’s Spaceworld 1999 trailer and demo, with several others that were featured in Dengeki Nintendo 64.

D.C.M.C. are splitting up the band.

Magic Zildjian, whose real name is Rodrigo Rodriguez, debates leaving D.C.M.C.

A crop circle emerges in Sunshine Forest, left behind by a strange UFO. Isaac alerts the villagers.

In the winter season, Butch’s grandmother Bar knits sweaters for the villagers.

From left to right: Grandpa Syd, Alle, Nan and Ed.

Richie and another Tazmily resident speculate what is underneath Flint’s hat.

Lighter, Lucas, Boney and Fuel gaze in awe at the team’s new invention.

Nana and her 40 year old father “Papa,” who long went missing at sea suddenly one morning.

Twilight descends on the Sunset Cemetery, which is currently undergoing reconstruction.

Papa, Nana, and Claus play fetch with a young Boney.

The Toilette Falls of Tazmily.

Claus, Lucas, an unnamed character, and Butch relax about in the center of Tazmily.

Northeast of Tazmily is the ancient castle of Osohe, which once was home to a fine kingdom ruled by King Osohe and Queen Senaka. Villagers use it now for farming.

For whom the bell tolls? The villagers gather at a tower called the “Bell of Repose,” which is rung everyday in two hour intervals by an old man called the “Bell Ringer,” who stands tall front and center. This includes one of the few images of Hinawa, who is second to the right beside Flint.

Flint battles against some capybaras in the Spaceworld demo. The white prompt on the right asks, “What will you do?” The player is instructed to rotate the control stick to select an action.

Duster has arrived! The nocturnal thief will show everyone his true potential.

“1 Damage!” Flint fights two Pigmasks.

Flint stands in the center of Idobata Square.

Flint speaks to someone in town square who questions, “I heard from Thomas. Do you suppose the commotion at Great Scale is true?”

Flint explores the villas north of Tazmily, home to the mayor and his family.

“D-dad, help me!” In the outskirts of Tazmily, Flint hears the cry of his child at Toilette Falls.

A Clayman escapes the harsh working conditions of the factory, rising up from the water.

Boney notices something above a cliff, and begins to howl at it.

Kumatora leads the battle between the Pigmask army! Accompanied by Flint & Lucas.

A mechanical zombie pops out from a grave, brought back to life!

Flint, Lucas, Duster, and Boney ascend on a flying ship.

Lucas rides a Drago beside a train at the end of the Spaceworld trailer.
These last batch of screenshots were gathered by Itoi and his staff, published on 1101.com on the day of cancellation, August 22, 2000.

“I got good news, and bad news, which do you want to hear first?”

“D..d..duster, you’ve sure grown strong!”

Flint raises a two-by-four.

In the Sunset Cemetery, Salsa carries some heart-shaped monitors on his back.

The twins gaze up to Hinawa.

“Drago’s child’s attack!”.

The mysterious peddler puts on a show with Salsa in Tazmily square boasting, “Alright! Here we have something absolutely amazing!” Nana can also be seen on the very left.

A mechanical Drago.

Kumatora stuck in a trap.

Villagers lift Lighter up from under some logs, one of them shouting, “Get a grip! Get a grip, Lighter!”.

In the tropics, Salsa and what may be his girlfriend explore the lily pads. Beside them is a save frog, and ahead on some flower buds are two more yellow frogs.

Pigmasks encage Salsa and his girlfriend.

The townsfolk gather by a campfire.

An older Lucas and Kumatora gaze down at something.

Wess pleads Duster to turn around.

Wess glares at his son after he was defeated in battle.

The ground trembles as entire buildings crumble. Familiar locales from the previous MOTHER games can be seen, like the Monotoli Building and Onett sign.

Translated Screenshots
Below are all the screenshots with text translated into English! These translations were provided by Clyde “Mato” Mandelin over the years and anything left was translated by Lone. Edits were made by Snowwood.

Spaceworld Demo Photos
Photos and videos were forbidden at Spaceworld 1999, but some were able to slip onto the internet anyways. The following photos are from various sources, including a Japanese blogger by the handle “EXCELSIOR!” Check each the image’s caption to identify its source if it has one.

From the Spaceworld 1999 site. An overview of the demo area, the waiting time being thirty minutes for ten minutes of gameplay.

From the Spaceworld 1999 site. A player puts his headphones on to listen to the game’s soundtrack. You can also see a template of the game’s controls below.

From Core Magazine. Flint speaks to a villager in Idobata Square. The general store can be seen off to the right. Image discovered by DaEgg123.

From IGN. The top left screen is playing the trailer, while the bottom left two show Flint in the square. The middle TV is accessing the menus, while the title screen can be seen off to the right TV.

From 1101.com. A crowd gathering to watch the MOTHER 64 trailer on the big screen.

From 1101.com. The Spaceworld staff setting up the MOTHER 64 section.

From 1101.com. The line’s a forty-five minute wait.

From Club Nintendo Magazine. A player watches the Boney fetching for Duster cutscene from the demo, listening in with the provided headphones. To his right, two other players explore Tazmily with Flint.

From retokyo.com. You can see Flint exploring an interior on the left, and the two TVs beside him display either what could be the Sunshine Forest or river in Tazmily Village during a cutscene. The video on top is playing a battle with a Supreme Tank Z too. Image discovered by mr mine splat.

From retokyo.com, taken moments before or after the previous image. On the left, Flint is talking to someone in Tazmily. The second TV shows what looks like either an interior or the Forest, while the third seems to be in the Sunshine Forest. The TVs above are playing the minecart scene, with Claus facing the camera. Image discovered by mr mine splat.

From Game Players Magazine, September 9th, 1999 issue. Flint talks to Mayor Pirkle, who says “An upper jaw filled with joy, and a lower jaw filled with sorrow…” Image discovered by mr mine splat.

A thirty minute wait time, which was half compared to Donkey Kong 64 or Majora’s Mask. The upper TVs show the Toliette Falls scene from the trailer.

A photo of the MOTHER 64 page from the Spaceworld 1999 booklet. The family render seen here was used for in-store advertisements.

The twins leap past the moon in an E.T. style. After the ride ends, they fall into the river below. On the right is a psychedelic battle scene.

“Nintendo and Me” described Lucas and Claus as “expressionless” during this scene.

The top TV is playing the train scene from the trailer. Below, we see various screens of Flint exploring Tazmily. In the middle one, he is about to talk to Mayor Pirkle and his wife.

Flint converses with a villager. While not legible, we know the dialogue in the demo were humorous interactions written by Itoi himself.

The left TV has a glimpse of Tazmily, while the right shows the title screens. EXCELSIOR! described them as “interactive,” but did not elaborate any further.

Flint has 1 HP left. On the right TV, the battle text reveals the “SMAAASH!” text.

On the top TV, we see the Clayman rising out of the lake from the trailer. Below, Flint is attacked by a poisonous snake. On the right, a little bit of the desert area can be seen.

“You defeated the Flying Rat!”

Shimmy Zmizz is performing a keyboard solo on the left, while on the right we see Flint has engaged with the Flying Rat. A blue encounter swirl is forming around the screen.

The player engages an encounter with a Pigmask and Supreme Tank Z, resembling the scene from the trailer. On the left and right, more desert area can be seen.

EXCELSIOR! is defeated by the Supreme Tank Z, despite managing a five-hit combo on it.

If the enemy gained the advantage on you, the battle screen would be titled to the left like seen against this Pigmask soldier. On the right, Flint explores the desert on foot.

Victory! After winning a battle, sometimes the text would inform the player that, “You learned something new!” or, “You mastered something!”. On the left and right, more of the desert area is visible.

A player has fallen against a poison snake in battle on the left, causing the UI at the bottom to turn red. On the right, Flint runs around Tazmily with an especially zoomed-out camera.

Flint accelerates through the desert canyons on his Pork Bean. According to EXCELSIOR!, the music here was derivative of a previous MOTHER soundtrack. It is unknown which one, sadly.

On the left, the twins reach a crossway in the mineshaft. On the right, Flint runs through the Snake Dungeon. IGN described this area as having pretty simplistic textures.

On the left, Flint has entered from a corridor within the Snake Dungeon. On the right, a player is accessing the inventory menus inside of a building. Unfortunately the items were inaccessible except for any healing ones.

Flint converses with Mayor Pirkle’s wife on the left. On the right we see a very funky battle with some unidentifiable green enemy.
Kody NOKOLO, PineappleCarl, The Video Game History Foundation, and Hard4Games – Provided Images
Sam The Salmon – Removed Watermarks
Snowwood – Restored Images
Clyde “Tomato” Mandelin – Preserved EXCELSIOR! Spaceworld photos with translations
Echoes – Writer 2020-2022
Kody NOKOLO – Writer & Editor
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