MOTHER 3 Beginnings – February, March, and July 1997 Interviews
by: Kody on 7/14/2021
Interviews about MOTHER 3 with Shigesato Itoi and Satoru Iwata from February, March, and July 1997 have been discovered from issues of the Dengeki Nintendo 64 magazine! All these interviews discuss the game in its initial stages, and July’s interview also includes some discussion about the Nintendo 64 Disk Drive.
The following are scans of these interview with Shigesato Itoi and Satoru Iwata from February, March, and July 1997 issues of Dengeki Nintendo 64 and a briefly translated summaries of each interview. These scans’ discovery and their translations are by Kody NOKOLO. Please credit Mother Forever and Kody NOKOLO if you report or repost these scans and their translations.
February 1997

Itoi talks about the video at Spaceworld, how “ear” is going to be important to the game in terms of its sounds and music, who the protagonist character in the forest is, the move from 2D to 3D, and using the 64DD. He particularly emphasizes the importance of conveying the anxiety in battles, like with the scrolling HP display in MOTHER 2.

March 1997
In this interview, Iwata is asked about what’s going on in different images of MOTHER 3. The information he gives in this interview is the same information Nintendo Power reports in its EarthBound 64 article also published in March 1997 (credit to The Magazine Rack for that article). When asked about the enemies, Iwata does give one clue that Nintendo Power leaves out: that the boss of them all might involve the character Porky!

July 1997
In an interview very similar to the one Iwata did with Dengeki 1 year ago, he talks about aspects of MOTHER 3 that make it different from MOTHER 2, MOTHER 3‘s scenario, and even the game’s chimeras. For the second half about the Nintendo 64 DD, he mostly talks about the specs of the hardware, like the extra 4M expansion, and its higher rendering power for game worlds. He also emphasizes how multiplayer games like Kirby Air Ride will work better on it and mentions the Cabbage project at the end!