New Nintendo Dream Scans, Early EarthBound Logo, & More MOTHER 3 Concept Art
by: Kody on 12/31/2022

Tonda Gossa, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year! This is Kody NOKOLO back with another Mother Forever Almost Monthly News for December!
Watch it in video form or read it below!

First, brand new Nintendo Dream scans of MOTHER 3 on the GBA that I got from the National Diet Library of Japan can be downloaded in the package below! If you ever wanted to play the Love Theme on piano, these scans include the official notation of the song! There are lots of other MOTHER 3 related posts including the end to the MOTHER’s Cradle series of interviews that hasn’t been posted online yet, Smash Bros. coverage for Ness and Lucas in Melee and Brawl, coverage of MOTHER 3’s Wii U release, and… Information about all the other 64 Dream issues we’re still missing with MOTHER 3 N64 info!

In the very first Nintendo Dream magazine I bought just before starting this website in September 2019, there’s a 30th anniversary feature that lists every single appearance of MOTHER in Nintendo Dream magazines with short summaries! Below are translations of summaries for the issues we’re still missing and a download for the scan package.
MOTHER researchers have also been unearthing a lot this month. Biozilla uploaded scans of a MOTHER 1 guide that includes lots of cool art in it!
DaEgg123, also known as Jonathan, found an older logo for EarthBound in the May 1995 issue of the UK’s Nintendo Magazine System on the Internet Archive.

And PineappleCarl found a new Spaceworld report that features the MOTHER 64 demo. It mentions many of the things we’ve heard in other reports, like the headphones you could wear.
I also have some information about the MOTHER 2 Deluxe rom hack update that I know a lot of people were waiting for after it was announced by developer Messianic in our Mother Direct for 2022. I reached out to Messianic about it, and I can confirm that the update is still in development, but it’ll be releasing in 2023. You can follow Messianic’s progress on the Discord server for the hack! It’s going to be great when it’s done!

Enemy Designer Akiyuki Suzuki also posted more concept art yesterday. This time, it was a drawing of the Frosted Bun enemy, a rare encounter on Snowcap Mountain! The art just calls it a bun for short and points to the bean paste spilling out of it that you can see in the final sprite… makes me hungry.
And if you didn’t hear during the rest of the month, applications for the 2023 Mother Direct are still open for the rest of the day today! We’ve had more applicants than any other year at over 45. If you applied, keep an eye on your inbox and spam over the next few weeks for a response! I’m already working hard this month to get certain things rolling that will make this next show the best it can be, it’s going to be lots of fun!
Usually I talk about Hobonichi after our monthly feature, but this makes too much sense to do first: there was lots of new merch like scarves based of series areas and old restocks! Itoi even retweeted my announcement I wrote to get the word out about it! And that leads into the feature for this month that puts that new merch front-and-center: one more unboxing for 2022! Watch the video version of this news update to see my unboxing.

One more important thing to mention: the My Nintendo rewards for EarthBound finally were released in North America! They’re the Eight Melodies Notebook, which is the only merchandise ever released for EarthBound Beginnings outside of Japan, and a Phase Distorter luggage tag. Get them while you can, and if you need points, check out the My Nintendo missions to earn some.
Nintendo Dream Scan Pack Download & Lost Issue Summaries
The following are scans of Nintendo Dream. These scans and their translations are by Kody NOKOLO. Please credit Mother Forever and Kody NOKOLO if you report or repost these scans or translations.

Lost Issue Summary Translations
February 1997
Things like the prototypes of DCMC and the Pork Bean were shown. There was an interview over fax with Shigesato Itoi, which was also a prize in a giveaway.
March 1997
The main characters of MOTHER 3 were showcased, including Lucas, Duster, and Salsa. A prototype of the Pigmasks called the “Buhii,” Club Titiboo, and the crossroads were introduced.
Translator’s note: “Buhi” is the sound a squealing pig.
May 1997
The subtitle of MOTHER 3 was “Forest of Chimera.” A photo of a snow-covered place called a “Honolele Resort” is shown.
Translator’s note: This is almost definitely a play on “Honolulu” being a sunnier place.
June 1997
Satoru Iwata, president of HAL at the time, says that MOTHER 3 will use the Nintendo 64DD in an interview about the hardware.
August 1997
The official logo for MOTHER 3 with its wood and metal texture was showcased. The “Forest of Chimera” subtitle vanished, and the delay of the 64DD was announced.
September 1997
An E3 feature called “The Power of the Nintendo 64: The Hot Winds of Atlanta” was published with an interview with the art director for the N64 version of MOTHER 3, Benimaru Ito.
October 1997
In an article called “The Huge Doubts of N64 Games,” the first anniversary celebration of the 64 Dream, Satoru Iwata talked about MOTHER 3 and other HAL-related info.
March 1998
In an interview “I heard something about that game at the Nintendo Kanda Building,” Creatures Inc. provided information about MOTHER 3. After this, the release of the 64DD was postponed again, and new MOTHER 3 related information stopped for a while.
Find the other interviews and scans on our MOTHER 64 Interviews page and our MOTHER 64 Publication Scans page!